Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Happy New Year!

Eating twelve grapes is a Spanish tradition at New Year.  Join Pepper at New Year Grapes of Luck

Start the new year with learning the seasons, months and days of the week.
Take a trip to warmer climes and learn about animals of South America in English, French or Spanish.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

A History of Christmas Traditions in the United States

in a nutshell with Pepper the Pooch

Check out Pepper's blogs below for stuff on Christmas 
in England, France, Spain and Mexico.

Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 8, 2014

Free Balloons For The Holidays!

Write in the names of colors in English, French or Spanish on Pepper's colorful balloons 
or color in Pepper's black and white balloons by the names on them. 

Have a wonderful Winter break!

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Seasons Greetings from Pepper!

Head over to Pepper's Store for her selection of Christmas items.
Christmas in England, the United States, France, Spain and Mexico.
The histories and the traditions.

And don't forget New Year!

Give a learning gift to students for the holidays with Pepper's Essential Phrases in French and Spanish.

God bless us, everyone!