Friday, January 23, 2015

100 Days of School and 100 Words

With the hundredth day of school approaching, Pepper's just-over-100 everyday words are ready to print, cut and use on your word wall, staple together as booklets, or use as flashcards and for games like Slap Word and Bang!

Happy Hundredth Day!

Monday, January 12, 2015

Seasons, Months and Days of the Week


Start the new year with learning the seasons, months and days of the week.

Monday, January 5, 2015

The Sculptures of Valencia

 in Spain in March

Pepper's adventure in Valencia, Spain, tells you all about the celebration called "Las Fallas" (the Fires) where huge sculptures are made and exhibited on the streets from March 15 until March 19.  The celebrations also include firecrackers, bands, dancing and paella contests.  On the final day, fireworks are let off and the sculptures are burned.  Travel with Pepper as she discovers the origin of this tradition:  Las Fallas in Spain in Spring with Pepper

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Getting Ready for Valentine's Day

Find Pepper's free cards in English, French and Spanish at:

Enjoy winter!