Sunday, December 20, 2015

La ropa, les vĂȘtements, clothes

Join Pepper as she goes through different clothing vocabulary words in her booklet, useful list, PowerPoint presentation, flashcards, Pepper's Suitcase game, Pepper dress up coloring sheet and coloring posters.
See what you think of Pepper's clothes in Spanish
Or outfit yourself with Pepper's clothes in English

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

New Year Grapes of Luck with Pepper!

Happy New Year!

Eating twelve grapes is a Spanish tradition at New Year.  Join Pepper at New Year Grapes of Luck

Start the new year with learning the seasons, months and days of the week.
Take a trip to warmer climes and learn about animals of South America in English, French or Spanish.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Letters and Cards

Pepper's letters with vocabulary encourage students to write and read creatively to each other and provide teachers and students with a year-long record of their progress in written conversational language.
Pepper's template gives students a cute card (or wall decoration) to make and room to write about various topics.  Pepper includes two worksheets with vocabulary for the topics "how I will help during the holidays" and a wish list for students to write what they and their fellow students "want, need, wear, read".
Find Letters to Pepper in English, French and Spanish here,
and Pepper's Cut-Out Cards and Worksheets in English, French and Spanish here.

Happy Holidays!

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Seasons Greetings from Pepper!

Head over to Pepper's Store for her selection of Christmas items.
Christmas in England, the United States, France, Spain and Mexico.
The histories and the traditions with vocabulary in English, French and Spanish.

And don't forget New Year!

Make a Pepper card!  Get the template and use her English, French or Spanish worksheets to write about how each student will help during the holidays, or about what each student and their fellow students "want, need, wear, read" this season.  Add decorations and glitter to Pepper's ears for a festive look!

Give a learning gift to students for the holidays with Pepper's Essential Phrases in French and Spanish.

God bless us, everyone!