Thursday, December 19, 2013

Happy New Year!

Pepper wishes everybody a happy New Year and a happy return to school.  As things wind down for the winter holiday, it will be time to think about what to do in the first month back in January.  Pepper brings you her Twelve Grapes of Luck for the New Year in Spanish, her Seasons, Months and Days of the Week in Spanish, French and English, her Parts of the Body in Spanish, French and English, and her Animals of South America.

Spanish and English

Eating grapes at New Year for luck and making wishes for every month of the year is a tradition in many countries influenced by Spanish culture.  Enjoy the fun at:  Pepper's New Year Grapes

As well as the days of the week booklet in Spanish and English, a booklet on seasons and months is included, and much more.  See what Pepper has at:  Seasons, Months and Days of the Week with Pepper

Have fun learning the parts of the body in Spanish as Pepper paints herself.  Read about it at: Parts of the Body in Spanish with Pepper

Learn about South American animals and where they live in English and Spanish.  Check out:  South American Animals in Spanish and English

French and English

As well as the days of the week booklet in French and English, a booklet on seasons and months is included, and much more.  See what Pepper has at:  Seasons, Months and Days of the Week with Pepper

Have fun learning the parts of the body in French as Pepper paints herself.  Read about it at:  Parts of the Body in French with Pepper


Have fun learning the parts of the body in English as Pepper paints herself.  Read about it at:  Parts of the Body in English with Pepper